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Положение XI Italian EME контест 2004 (ENG)

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Написал Alex, ew2ce   
Вторник, 31 Август 2004

A. R. I.
XI Italian Contest EME

Date and Time: from 00.00 utc of 11 September to 24.00 utc of 12 September 2004.
Frequency: 50, 144, 432, 1296, 2304, 5760 MHz, 10 GHz and UP.
Report: M, O, RST.

Band 144 MHz;
A) Antenna max length 10 meters.
B) Ant. between 10.01 to 20 meters length or dish max 7 meters diameter.
C) Ant. between 20.01 to 40 meters length or dish between 7.01 to 10 meters dia.
D) Ant. between 40.01 to 80 meters length or dish over 10.01 meters diameter.
E) Ant. between 80.01 to 160 meters length.
F) Ant. over 160 meters length.

Band 432 MHz;
A) Antenna max 12.5 meters length.
B) Ant. between 12.51 to 25 meters length.
C) Ant. between 25.01 to 50 meters length or dish max 4.5 meters diameter.
D) Ant. over 50.01 meters length or dish over 4.51 meters diameter.
As for other frequencies (50,1296MHz and UP), categories are one for each band.
To define length of antenna for 144 and 432 Band:
Length on meters, between last reflector to far director.
EX. 1 antenna length 10 meters is A category, also with a plant from 4 to 2.50 meters length or 2 by five meters A category as well (referred to 144 MHz).
Also same for 432 MHz categories.
The stations that use cross antenna, have a separate categories from the single polarization, referred 144 MHz only.
OM and SWL can partecipate. In the SWL section, also OM are accepted, but just As SWL and they can't make EME trasmissions during the contest.
SWL category are one for each band.

Score: 10 points a bilateral contact.
31 points a bilateral contact with an Italian stations.
10 points a bilateral contact between Italian stations.
Remark on the 144 and 432 MHz bands categories:
If the score of the first station classified in each catewgory does not exceed the first of the preceding category, the category
itself iscancelled and stations will be listed in the lower section.

EX.: The first in E category scores 1000 points, the first in F category scores 990 points, then F category is declassed into E category and its partecipants compete in E category too. In the same way, if the first in C cat. Scores 300 p.ts, first in D cat.
Scores 290 p.ts, first in E cat. Scores 280 p.ts and first in F cat. Scores 310 p.ts, we will have a single classification for F category and another for C,D,E all together.

Winners: are those who get the maximum score in each category. Every single station can partecipate in more than one band. PRIZES: Only the first in each category gets a prize; all the others get a certificate.
A winner in more than one category, will receive an award in one category only, in the others (even is the winner in other categories), the award will go the second placed.
The first will receive a diploma certifying him as the winner, the second a plaque certifying his second place. For the contest score, qso' among Italian stations are valid. These and foreign stations in Italy, will compete in a separate
classification from the rest of the world.

Log contain: date, time, calls, rprt send, rprt rcvd, points, category, summary and total points end of log and all informations of
stations, particular type of antenna used and length. Are welcome: suggestions, comments, photo ( for photo on e-mail, please
a definition 300 DPI or better).

Sending log to: e-mail address: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script or Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
mail: I1ANP Mario Alberti, via privata Maralunga,12 ZIP CODE 19126 La Spezia Italy.

For All; send also your e-mail, packet radio add., telephone, for short time confirmation that I received log, normally I cfm on same way that I received. End time for acceptation log, is November 2004.

I1ANP Mario Italian EME Manager.

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