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Положение A.R.I. XVI Italian EME Contest 2009

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Написал Дмитрий RA3AQ   
Среда, 09 Сентябрь 2009
Period: from 00.00 UTC of 12th.September 2009 to 24.00 UTC of 13th.
September 2009
Bands: Bands 50, 144, 432 MHz,1.2, 2.3, 5.7, 10 GHz. and Up, only via Moon
Modes: CW, SSB . Categories for bands 144 and 432 MHz:
Stations are subdivided by power and type of antenna employed. For
yagis the total length, in wavelengths, is considered (distance
reflector-last director multiplied by the number of yagis in the
array), for parabolic reflectors the dish diameter is considered.

At 144MHz 1 wl = 2,08 meters = 82" = 6' 10"

At 432 MHz 1 wl = 0.694 meters = 27".340

Band 144 MHz (Cat. A, B, C, D, E, F)

Note: Stations with cross yagis or circular polarization are
classified separately.

Yagi Dish
up to 5 wl A
5 wl,up to 10 wl <7m (23') B
10 wl,up to 20 wl <10m (33') C
20 wl, up to 40 wl >10m (33') D
40 wl, up to 80 wl >14m (46') E
over 80 wl F

Band 432 MHz (A, B, C, D, E):

Yagi Dish
up to 18 wl A

18 wl,up to 36 wl <3,05m (10') B
36 wl,up to 72 wl <4,57m (15') C
72 wl, up to 144 wl >4,57m (14') D
over 144 wl E

Bands 50 MHz,1.2, 2.3, 5.7, 10 GHz. and Up:
One category per band, independently from power and antenna.


If the first of each category scores less than the first of the lower
category, the whole category is moved into the lower.


For bilateral QSOs: 10 points, 31 points with Italian stations,
10 points between Italian stations.

Italian stations, and eventual foreigners operating in Italy, will be
classified separately from the rest of the world.

SWLs: A station heard can be inserted as correspondent no more than twice.

Points: 10 for each station heard in QSO, 31 if Italian.


A prize will be sent to the first of each category.

A certificate will be sent to all the participants who sent the log in.

If somebody wins more than one category, he gets only one prize

and certificates for the other categories won, while the prize for these

categories goes to the second placed and will be so inscribed.


By e-mail to i5wbe"@"i5wbe.it
(it will be confirmed upon reception)

Logs should be received on 30th November 2009 at the latest.

The log must contain a general section with Call, Name, Address
(including e-mail), QTH Locator, Band, Category, PA Power,
Antenna dimensions and type.

The QSO log must contain Date, Hour, Mode, Call, Points, and Total
Points. Comments and other info are welcome.

Vy73' & GL
Enrico - I5WBE

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