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Автор TA1D Kadri M.Basak   
Воскресенье, 13 Май 2007

The 4’the TA VHF-UHF Contest will take place on July 1’th 2007, 0700-1500 UTC. Although the primary task is to encourage multimode and dx operations in the national scope, international participation is welcomed. 

Modes of operation:

2-Meters: SSB/CW and FM
70cm:     : SSB/CW and FM
6 Meters (Operation is subject to pending permission from the Turkish Telecommunication Authority): SSB/CW


Scoring is made separately for each band and mode, there is no mixed score.

Final score is the multiplication of each new qso with each new locator. (30 qso’s with 15 locators will result in 450 points)

Each locator will count only once, thus in case of 3 qso’s with 3 different stations on  the same locator will result in 1 multiplicator and 3 points .

Entry classes:

Individual or multi-op stations, single or multi-band.
Fixed or portable.


The report should contain call ,RST,Locator and  Serial Number.


2 Meters CW : 144.050 (+/- 25) kHz
2 Meters SSB:  144.300 (+/- 25) kHz
2 Meters FM :  145.500, 145.525,145.550 MHz

70 cm      CW:  432.050  (+/-25)  kHz
70 cm    SSB  : 432.300   (+/-)    kHz
70 cm  FM     : 433.500, 433.525, 433.550 MHz

6 Meters: 50.100-52.000 MHz, only CW/SSB, the international DX calling Frequencies 50.100 (CW) and 50.150 MHz (SSB)  have to be avoided.


The log should contain call ,RST,Locator and  Serial Number. See: http://www.trac.org.tr/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=91&mode=&order=0&thold=0

Logs should be sent to Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
Deadline is:September 30, 2007


Each entrant will receive a certificate of participation.

The three top scorers of every band and category will receive a certificate.

TA1D Kadri M.Basak
TA VHF Manager

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