Российский УКВ портал

ZB2 2m EME (updated)

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Автор Bernd DF2ZC   
Понедельник, 16 Апрель 2007

Frank DH7FB и Bernd DF2ZC будут работать из Гибралтара на 2м с 20 по 24 апреля. Работа будет вестись из гостиницы Caleta http://www.caletahotel.com/ в IM76HD.

Позывные ZB2/DH7FB и ZB2/DF2ZC 


  • TS2000,
  • Внешний предусилитель
  • 2x17 ele TONNA
  • хорошая мощность.

Основной упор будет сделан на работу EME. Начало работы - вечер 20-го апреля. Скедов нет, только рандом. Ежедневно будут публиковаться списки QSO и фото на www.mmmonvhf.de

О частотах для EME будет объявлено позже.

Here come the "rules of engagement". Please READ CAREFULLY to avoid any
unnecessary interference and delays in QSO completion. Our goal is to make
as many QSOs as possible and we sure won't be amused if stations cause QRM
and steal not only our time but also QSO perspectives from others:

(1) ZB2 always 1st and always tx on 144,124 MHz.

(2) We rx from 144,124 to 144,127 MHz (JT65 mode only) when there is NO

(3) We rx from 144,080 to 144,083 MHz (JT65 mode only) when there is
MOON in JA. Any station is invited to call
however we will give the JAs, VKs and ZLs priority in the pileup.
REMEMBER: We always tx on .124!

(4) We always rx parallel on 144,123 MHz or 144,079 MHz for CW only.
Please NO JT65 calls around these frequencies! In case we find a CW
station calling us we will switch
to CW using 1 minute sequences (ZB2 even minutes) and go back to JT65
after completion if there should
be no further CW calls. REMEMBER: We always tx on .124!

(5) Please make use of our full 3 kHz rx band! In case of huge pile-ups
please don't hesitate to call even
higher than just +3 kHz max from the lower end of our rx band.

(6) We will work without any redundancy: Though being both friendly and
courteous characters we will not
generally transmit 73s after receipt of RRRs but go straight to CQ or
sending reports to the next station.

We will take a note of any station
calling and will try to work them one after the other.

Moon rise dates in IM76HD during our stay are:
20 April: 0735Z
21 April: 0835Z
22 April: 0940Z
23 April: 1045Z

We will probably NOT be on exactly at moonrise but some 10 minutes later as
we will try a dx record QSO with ZL at moon rise.

Internet access might be available but is not certain - and not needed. We
are sorry to disappoint those claiming permanent web access is a
prerequisite for succesful WSJT operations ;-)



Последнее обновление ( Суббота, 03 Январь 2009 )

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